Found 1 Category selected «Cardiologist - КАРДИОЛОГИ - קרדיולוגים» в городе Raanana - רעננה - Раанана.

Dr. Gabriel Greenberg - ד"ר גבריאל גרינברג - Кардиолог Габриэль Гринберг


Dr. Gabriel Greenberg
Director of the Catheterization Unit, Hasharon Hospital, Cardiology Unit, Rabin Medical Center
Cardiology and cardiac catheterization specialist
Studies: Faculty of Medicine, SEMMELWEIS University, Budapest.
Place of specialization: Rabin Medical Center (both internal and cardiology specialization).
Director of the Catheterization Unit, Hasharon Hospital, Cardiology Unit, Rabin Medical Center
Cardiology and cardiac catheterization specialist
Studies: Faculty of Medicine, SEMMELWEIS University, Budapest.
Place of specialization: Rabin Medical Center (both internal and cardiology specialization).